If you have been involved in an accident you must tell your insurance company as soon as possible. Some insurers specify within the policy that you must inform them within 24 hours of the incident otherwise you may be penalised in paying a higher policy excess. In some cases, the excess may be reduced by reporting early.
Insurance companies have dedicated telephone numbers to enable you to report a claim to them 24/7 without the need in completing a claim form. The telephone number for your specific insurers can be found within the policy documents previously sent to you with some insurer information shown below..

0800 997 8834
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0845 260 3021

0330 123 5992
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0345 602 3378

0343 504 4598
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0345 082 0700

0333 043 6497
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0333 043 6497

0330 024 8000
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0800 363636

0800 169 4066
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0800 169 4066

0344 873 8183
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0808 168 2486

0800 246 876
For Windscreen/Glass claims
0800 158 4093

0333 700 8026
For Windscreen/Glass claims